June 29, 2007


Well...we got rejected on our initial offer, but the seller invited us to bid again, so we bid the highest the we would pay for the house (it is WAY overpriced!) and they said NO again. That was good enough for us...we know the Lord has a house for us somewhere and maybe he was protecting us from making an unwise investment. So for now, as of July 31 we are homeless. There is nothing else that we have seen on the market right now that we would want to buy. So tonight we go looking, I guess. Looking for houses for lease or houses to buy that we haven't yet seen-I guess a house listed for sale by owner, since I check BCS Realtor everyday. If you know of anything let us know...ideally we would like to stay close to campus! Thanks!


  1. We love your sweet family. I'm so thankful that things are going well at Charlie's new job and you have all of these fun changes up ahead. I always have to remind myself this.

    'Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?' Matthew 6:26

    The Lord will provide a roof over your heads. I will be praying that He will guide and lead you there.

    Love you,

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hey... I just posted some pictures of your son on my flickr page... you should go check them out!


  4. Ok... I can't figure out how to make a link to that page... but, you can just go to my blog and click on the picture bar thing at the top, and it will bring you to the site...
