July 12, 2007

Asher's Eating Like a BIG Boy!!

Kind of...we started him on rice cereal about 3 weeks ago. So far Asher's had rice cereal, oatmeal, applesauce mixed into the each of the cereals, and last night he just tried mashed bananas for the first time and he LOVED them! He ate a whole banana! This morning we had all things stinky going on in the Apel home. That nanner cleared him out...and I could see the banana remains in his diaper! How come I wasn't ready for this?

He'd only been eating solids at dinner each night, but this morning he ate breakfast, so we're beginning to phase him into two meals. By the way, Asher is still "drinking" plenty of breast milk. (I had some hilarious inquiries from Hayden and Ashton about feeding Asher the other night. And I stand corrected, Asher does not eat--he drinks my milk. And when he wants a meal-he's not hungry-he's thirsty. Thanks, precious boys, for setting me straight!)

A video of Asher taking his first bites of cereal. We didn't want yall to miss it!

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For those of you who can't watch videos...here are some pics of the big event:

Quite the little helper we have.

So pleased with his first "real meal".

Asher holding his own bottle while Daddy watched him one morning! Since he doesn't take bottles very often I was SO shocked when I first learned that he could do this about a month ago!

Other moms have told me this would happen. He's growing up WAY too fast! Our lives truly are but a vapor.


  1. He is so precious and wonderful! I can't believe he is so big already.

    Laney Rae will be 4 months in a few short weeks. I can't believe our little ones growing up so fast.

    It's just crazy!


  2. Kirby and Charlie,
    Asher is so adorable. We love looking at your pictures!! We will miss you guys!!


  3. Well... I'm glad that someone enjoys your "product"... How bout we try to keep it that way!!

    I have a strange suspicion that he's going to like real food much better than what he's been used to.

  4. Too cute!

    I lvoe when they first start to eat solids. They sometimes hate them at first, but then when they get used to them, they act like you have never fed them before.

    They go crazy for that stuff.

  5. Anonymous6:35 PM

    Kirby...I heart you and miss you! Seriously....gosh I just don't even know what to say - Asher is so cute and precious!

    love ya!
    mrs herzog :D

  6. I love how often this blog is being updated..way to go Asher! :) I can't even keep up with you Apels these days. So, cute! Love you guys

  7. He's so cute! Thanks for sharing the pictures. You think bananas in the diaper were bad, wait until he starts eating grapes and raisins (and other stuff but I won't go there). Hello, stinky diapers!

  8. Anonymous5:14 PM

    Our little man is growing up! I can't believe how fast the first 6 months of his life have flown by! We love him so much..and you guys too of course :)
    We're going to miss Asher (and his mommy and daddy) being next door.
    Love you,
    The Neighbors

  9. Honestly, I think I could watch the videos you guys post of little Asher for hours upon hours upon hours. It's been such a great joy, Kirby, to watch you mold from a student, then a wife, and now to a wonderful mother. I love you for your friendship and the wonderful example you set for others!!

  10. Kirby,
    Love the video! I wish I had one of the first time I fed Treston cereal, because he made such a face, like it was the most disghusting thing ever, and I was perfectly insane for trying to spoon that stuff into his mouth! He never took to it. But the boy will probably eat us out of house and home as of now. He eats so much, he poops like 5-6 times a day, and it's pretty gross. Just wait.
    Ahhh, I remember those non-stinky breast milk diapers...those were good times. Good times.

  11. well...

    since this month-old post is still up (hint...hint) I guess I will make a comment (I am sure this is waht you have been waiting for - ha!)

    There is something I distinctly remember about changing our children's diet... it had a noticable effect on changing their diapers.

    Have fun!

  12. Hey Kirby!
    I got your message on our blog about Trinity Baptist. Yes, it is in the Sugar Land area and we would love for your friend to come and visit sometime. Just give me his information and we will contact him.
    Hope ya'll are doing wondeful!

  13. Anonymous11:50 AM

    ok Apels, we updated our blog. Its your turn! Not that you've been busy or anything :)

  14. Aunt Avery really wants to see some recent photos and videos of her nephew!! PLEASE!! I mean really, what else have you been doing? ;o)
