February 12, 2008

We're thinking PINK!!

It's official...I'm wearing Maternity! I was changing from running shorts to go to dinner and was awfully uncomfortable trying to fit into most of my regular jeans! I decided...since we were about to go eat Pancakes at IHOP that it was NOT worth the discomfort of trying to squeeze into my regular jeans...Baby Girl would have no room for pancakes!

So, I tried on a pair of real-waist maternity jeans that my sis had handed down to me...and they felt so great! Though, they were a bit big and super annoying that I had to keep pulling them up in back, they beat trying to suck in and button up my new bulge! (Why is it that you ALWAYS have to pull up maternity pants--even when they do fit! I feel like I have enough going on trying to hold one baby, and keep my tummy covered without needing to make sure my backside isn't showing! Somebody really needs to do something about this...it'd be the next great Pregnancy invention.)

I will probably be able to still wear a few of my "fat" jeans for the next week or so, but I'm glad to finally be able to start wearing Maternity soon!! It's been annoying because all season I've only bought two shirts (since I was pregnant last winter and had cleaned out my regular winter wardrobe pretty well then) and have basically been rotating between a total of 5 shirts because I thought that I'd be wearing maternity anyday and that it would be a waste of money to buy anything new!
(Heather, I may try to squeeze into my favorite jeans for the next week, but they'll be yours soon!)

On another note: yesterday, going into our sonogram, Charlie and I were both thinking boy, but only because we've been so fickle and had no real "feeling" either way this entire pregnancy....this poor baby, we haven't thought much about her, we've been so distracted with Asher! For the last several months, we've been thinking girl, but a few days ago, all of a sudden...we both switched to boy.

As the sonographer was taking different pictures of the baby, I kept seeing her pass by the bottom of her legs. I said, "I don't see anything between the baby's legs...does that mean it's a girl?" (When we had gone with Asher it was so obvious that he was a boy once we knew what to look for!) And she said, "That's what I'm thinking, we need to get a few more shots to make sure." Well, sure enough we never found anything between the legs and did, indeed, see her "girl parts".

Charlie was grinning from ear to ear as soon as she told us, "Yup, it's a girl!" I didn't quite no what to think other than, "Oh my gosh, I've never really thought of having a girl...all I know is boys...what am I going to do with a girl other than dress her and decorate her room?"

We're getting very excited, though, and can't wait to see what a little Apel girl is going to be like!


  1. yaaaaaaaay! you're adorable. i love pink and i love little girls! can't wait to learn more about her. sarah

  2. Okay- you are so cute in your pink. I've loved those shoes the moment I laid eyes on them.

    I'm totally with you on the maternity jeans being annoying. I thought that elastic wasted pants were supposed to be comfortable, but all that they do is annoy me too! Why do people choose to wear them not pregnant?

    I'm glad that you put 'fat' in quotes being that your 'fat' jeans are my 'skinny' jeans. I'm sporting the glamazon look!

    I can't wait to see you with a girl! You have so many wonderful things to offer a girl being that you are an incredible wife and mommy. She will be blessed by having you as her mommy for sure!

    If you have any girl questions I'm your gal since I'm planning on having a house full of them. Poor Jason!

    Love ya. Lyns

  3. Anonymous10:38 PM

    adorable and trendy per always, can't wait for kirby jr.

  4. Anonymous11:08 PM

    Hold onto to your hat, Kirby! It's going to be a wild ride! ha! Truly, though, I have found girls and boys to be different from the very beginning. Different even in the way they nursed! So bizarre and so fun. What a blessing for her that she'll grow up from the very beginning with a Proverbs 31 role model living right there with her.


  5. My wife IS adorable!

  6. Okay, first - that picture is real cute! If you click on it to make it bigger you can see an unhappy Asher in the mirror!;)

    Second, please let me know if you need any maternity clothes...I'm about to put mine back up in the attic and don't plan on needing them again anytime soon! And I have plenty of those jeans you can hike up every 2 minutes!

  7. Kendra, the day I can wear YOUR maternity clothes is the day I'll give myself a big pat on the back!

    If you have any shirts I can wear in the Spring, I'd love to look through them! And you do have a dress that I remember telling you I wanted to borrow...but who knows if it will fit!

  8. Oh, and Asher was wanting to be in the picture with me!

  9. CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I am so excited for you! You will have a beautiful little girl!

  10. Yay for you! A little sister for Asher to protect... how nice! Congrats cutie!

  11. Anonymous2:24 PM

    Asher is going to be the best big brother. I can't wait for her to be here! And I'm going to Old Navy for the kids and baby sale to buy her a gift! Oh my goodness I'm getting so excited about shopping for a little girl! I love her so much already!

  12. Kirby, I so agree with you about the maternity jeans! I am surprised this has not been remedied since I was last pregnant. Ridiculous!? A man must design these things.
    It's funny, I remember having the exact same thought after my sonogram with Jax, but about boys. I only knew girls! What would I do? I feel so blessed to have both, I can't even tell you!

  13. Okay, I'm getting the shirts/dresses out for you to look through...call me soon! ;)

  14. Congratulations on a baby girl. I feel like I know all of you from Avery! Hopefully I will make a trip down to Texas this summer and get to meet you all officially. Best of Luck. :)Jacqui (Avery's friend)

  15. Yay for pink!!!

    Can't wait for a little girl Asher! Keep that pic of Asher is Stella's dress, so we can compare.

  16. Cute pic! I LOVE pink! Get ready for a lot of pink laundry :o)

  17. P.S. I am tired of being the fat sister by myself.....could you PLEASE hurry up and start gaining some weight!! I don't want 2 skinny sisters! Currently the President with no one in my club....it's a lonely place! :O)

  18. Seriously, Ave. I was thinking I'M supposed to be the skinny one now.

    So get over your "flu" and start gaining Kirby, it's my turn!

  19. That is so awesome that yall are having a girl, what a perfect gift, one of each!

    And I am totally with you on the maternity clothes! I was so suprised when I started wearing them how annoying they are and constantly having to pull them up! Someone needs to fix that problem!

  20. I can't email you because my computer hates me right now...but will you call me when you are up and about? I want to know what time you want to go to that clothing dealy today. And, I can't email Lynsey or Judy, so you might have to be the social coordinator this morning.

    You can delete this dumb comment if you want to...after you call me.

