July 3, 2008

McKlayne Eliana

Psalm 13:5&6:
I trust in your unfailing love.
I will rejoice because you have rescued me.
I will sing to the Lord
because he is good to me.

Thanksgiving...that's what we're overwhelmed with right now.

Thankful hearts to the Lord for He has been so good to us...in so many ways...our beautiful, healthy baby girl was born at 6:02 this evening...McKlayne's labor and delivery was oh, so different compared to Asher's...the Lord protected and healed me of any complications I had been having again since Asher's birth...we know so many of you have been praying and He's been faithful to answer those precious prayers...thank you. We love you all.

My 4 hour labor compared to my 20 hours with Asher was AMAZING! I could have 8 babies if all my labor & deliveries went like this one! And she is TINY compared to our big ol' boy. She weighs 6 lbs 14oz. and is 20 inches long. As difficult as it was to wait these past several days, it was worth it for such a short labor! Our little girl is eating like a champ and we haven't heard but about one peep from her since she's been born

She looks so much like Asher did when he was born...just with more (and darker) hair! Here's are a few pics of her right after delivery.

Here's Asher, just a few minutes old:

Other things I am grateful for:

My sonic water with lime and extra ice...they changed the policy and now allow mothers to drink while laboring! How amazing is that? It made all the difference for me.

Epidurals, my anesthesiologist, my lovely nurse, Tawnya, and amazing doctor. They ordered me an epidural even before my contractions were super intense...I definitely experienced some, but nothing to complain about! Dr. Davis was performing a c-section and was going to come break my water afterwards andwanted me to get my epidural before he broke my water. Here I am shortly after my epidural talking on the phone and attempting to watch 24.

We didn't end up watching any 24 episodes, because I opted to take a nap instead...did you just read that? There was no napping involved in my labor with Asher...but I napped for an hour! This is when I transitioned from a 4 to a 7 and then from a 7 to a 9, twenty minutes later.

My sweet new family of four...we don't have a pic of the four of us yet, but we'll get one today! She's a Daddy's Girl already!

Here's the video of Asher meeting his new baby sister. He loves her so much! Check out how he honks her nose (his initiation into the family...either that or he's trying to straighten out her crooked little nose.)



  1. Oh. My. Good. Ness. Look at all that cuteness!

    AND that hair!!!

    A bow already! I'm very impressed.

    Can't wait to see her in person!

    (Look's like she's got Asher and Daddy wrapped around her tiny finger already.) ;0)

  2. She is BEAUTIFUL!! I LOVE all the dark hair, you know how I LOVE babies with hair!!:o)

    The video was so sweet it brought tears to my eyes, Asher was so good with her.

    Love her already just from the pics, can't wait to see her and kiss that precious baby!

  3. She is SO BEAUTIFUL!!! I saw her through a window, next time I want to hold that precious thing.

    We love you Apels. Ya'll are so wonderful.


  4. She is beautiful! What a precious family - thanks for sharing the pictures!

  5. Aww, sweet little McKlayne...how we have waited to see you!!

    Thanks for posting..so we can see her while we are out of town.

    Can't wait to meet her!

    I am so glad your labor was so much easier. What a blessing Kirby!


  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Anonymous6:48 PM

    oh, she's just beautiful!!!

    i just love getting to hold that tiny girl already!

    she's a little angel - can't wait to see asher with her in person! :)

    love you!

  8. BEAUTIFUL! I LOVE all the hair!! I can not wait to see this little princess! its so precious how Asher loves on her. So excited for you!

  9. Okay--Y'all are seriously just the cutest little family EVER! :) Asher was so sweet in the video and I'm happy for y'all!

    Kirby--If I look half as cute as you do after giving birth to my babies one day, I'll consider myself a lucky woman! lol :)

  10. Kirby, I am so excited for you! That is the best video. She is beautiful and you look AMAZING! I just wish I could give you a big hug! Love you, Sarah
