September 17, 2008

And so it begins...

Tonight as I unloaded the dishwasher, I found THIS little guy.

I almost peed myself. And so begins life with a little boy and his creepy creatures.


  1. So funny.

    And it never ends..

    The other day in the grocery store check out line I was holding one of Alex's squishy lizzards. The clerk looked down and screamed. It took me a minute to realize become immune!!

  2. Oh WOW!! I would have almost peed my pants too Kirb!... Maybe Uncle Jo will show him how to use the old school creepy crawler thing he and Austin played with when they were younger... gotta love boys - give him a big kiss for me, I miss that precious curly headed boy!

  3. That is so gross! Thanks for that look into my near future, Jacob is 15 months. Fun Fun :)
