November 4, 2008

Happy Four Months, Chubbers!

The past four months have flown by with my Sweet Girly-Girl!

When I took her to Rusty yesterday for her well-check she weighed 16lbs 2 oz. (95 percentile) measured in at 25 1/4 inches. (75 percentile) We're so proud of our chubby girl!

Here are some updated pics:

McKlayne rolls around like crazy and is so strong. She's so squirmy that I wonder if she's still going to be a snuggler when she gets older...I hope so!

Now that she is (pretty much) over her reflux, she is so laid back and sweet....she just kind of goes with the flow. Then again, I guess she has to.

Fast asleep with her Blankie Bunny.

She loves her brother. He is always making her laugh and squeal.

Having a girl has really changed me. I thought that I'd be a mom of all boys and was okay with it. Now, I can't imagine not having this sweet little prissy angel. I've even surrendered my title of "Princess" to her.
I adore all those rolls.

This one is from a while's crazy how much she's already changed!

How cute is my hubby?


  1. Oh my! she is so cute and so chubby. I love it. Miss you!

  2. Your babies are so cute!!! I think Alyssa had that outfit McKlayne's wearing!!

    Please share the jeans verdict...I'm a pretty stylish person for someone who's way closer to 40 than I care to admit and I'm way too nervous to say what kind of jeans I wear here on this blog!! Help a sistah!

  3. She is so precious! Gotta love those chubby babies! Cambell and McKlayne have the same bumper! I absolutely love it. McKlayne is beautiful. I am still jealous of that hair!
