January 15, 2010

Friday Funnies

If you're reading this on Google Reader, come hop over to my blog and check out the new makeover...I couldn't take it anymore...I had gone far too long, being a Graphic Designer's wife without a "pretty" blog.  It was time to take matters into my own hands.  To Charlie's defense he is always working on so many other projects (either that I have put him up to) or making other people purdy stuff that he doesn't have time for this silly, ol' thing.  Thanks for helping with all the technical stuff, honey :)  And thanks, once again, for all the amazing pics, Ryan & Sara!

Riding in the car earlier this week while the kids are watching a show:

A: Momma, will you turn it up?  I can't hear.

M: No, you're going to have to just listen up, because I'm not turning it up any louder.

A couple minutes later.

A: Oh. I turned my ears up.  I can hear now!


I was opening a box of horses that he got for Christmas and was having a difficult time with all of those plastic twist ties...

A: I can help you open it, Momma. I have sharp teeth in my mouth!


  1. I am so jealous of this blog. Really jealous. It is the coolest one I've ever seen. Plus this family is just too beautiful for words...so you've got that going for you. But REALLY. I love this and just said to Aaron, "WHY CAN'T MY BLOG LOOK LIKE THIS?"

    He's got some work to do. I might use your family pictures though.


  2. Love the new look....
    I need help!
    HELP! ha

  3. Wow. Love the makeover! Charlie musta been teachin you some things, cause you did a fabulous job. Looks very professional. Maybe you should do blog designs for pay?... Heather might pay you. ;)

    With the new look you could totally be a part of blogher now, advertisments and all! :)

  4. Oh my! I oughta change my picture!! Eek!

  5. I love it!! You did a wonderful job...now I am jealous of your pretty blog.

    BTW I wish I could turn my ears up sometimes too!

  6. How did you do this? Amazing!!!

  7. love the new look Kirby! Way to go! Thinking especially about you guys soon, on our very special shared Birthday day...:) The boys are growing toooo fast! Love you!
