January 19, 2010

Happy Birthday, Asher! Love, Daddy


I cannot believe that you are three today. You have grown up so quickly. Last night I asked you to consider staying two and you were pretty adamant and excited about being three. How could I hold you back? I wouldn't dare. You are far too passionate, creative, caring and adventurous. It would only be right to allow these things to grow right alongside and inside of my precious son. I'm thankful that of all the talents and gifts that God has blessed me with that he relented to give me the ability to stunt your growth. For I would surely, and selfishly, keep you two for awhile longer. It was far from terrible. It was truly delightful and a joy.

However, I do think that I will take up some serious weight training so that, as long as you would allow, I could...
continue to fly you to bed,
keep the upper-hand in our wrestling matches and sword fights,
pin you down and tickle you,
throw you up high in the air and watch your smile on the way down, and
carry you in my arms for long stretches of time.

It is such a pleasure to watch you serve and love your Momma and your MitTwayne. You are such a considerate leader. I love how you are always longing to join in and help Momma or me with whatever task we are doing — and how you're so upset when you cannot do so. You are so faithful and so generous.

I pray that all of these good things that God has started in you will take root in the good news of what Jesus has done for you and will grow to bring more glory to God and more joy to those he puts in your life. I know it has mine.

Thank you for agreeing to still be my little boy despite your plans to proceed as a three year old. You are so sweet. I love you.

You are my blessing.



  1. Happy Birthday Asher! You are as sweet as Candy!!!

  2. charlie...never in my pretty long life have i read such a precious letter. especially from a father to his son. this is a treasure worth more than all the things of this earth. he will keep this forever.

    to know that you're loved beyond measure is what life is all about. and how you expertly crafted the words that describe how you love him, how you feel about who he is and the joy that you find in being his father... are priceless.

    what a blessed son to have such a father as you.

    sandi bruss

  3. thanks for sharing your heart Charlie.

  4. a beautiful letter to your son, thank for letting me read your blog and experience that love between you two.
