April 13, 2010

Who would have thought that in 6 years...


(Is everyone laughing that I am wearing overalls?  Yes, I am, too.  Linds! Cate! Why EVER would you LET me!?)

would become this?

plus two more...

God sure has done some beautiful things in our souls and in growing our family since then.

Once again, I have been meaning to write about this for weeks but free time is minimal between chasing two little ones around. I couldn't think of a better day than the 6th anniversary of our first date to post about this.  In the last six years, obviously, a lot (like cleaning out my drawers of hideous fashion faux pas) has happened and we've just, well, stopped dating consistently.  Not because we don't like each other.  But, honestly, things have just gotten busy and it's difficult to track down a babysitter each week. (We miss you, Emily!)

I don't quite remember how I stumbled across this blog, but I'm glad I did.  Ever heard of Project 52: Date Night?  Basically, this couple made a New Year's Resolution to resurrect their dating life.  Each week they have a set night and hour (though often it turns into several hours) when their kiddos (they have two young children like us) are in bed, where they have an at-home date.  They take turns planning their dates each week and if something comes up on their "date night" they simply move it to another evening. Sound intriguing? I think so!

Here are a few examples that Tiffany (the mastermind behind Project 52) gives on another site

A list of 16 creative at-home dates…. That’s enough to last 4 months

  • Discuss a book you both recently read. Create a cafe or coffee shop atmosphere at home.
  • Play the First Words game where you read a word card and the other person say the first thing that comes to mind. Here’s a free download of the First Words game.
  • Look through old photographs, wedding albums, other photo albums or scrapbooks.
  • Flip through both of your high school yearbooks.
  • Go through your digital music library to make a CD or playlist of each other’s favorite songs or songs that reminds you of each other.
  • Sketch out a blueprint of your dream house.
  • Borrow or purchase travel books and plan your dream vacation.
  • Write down and discuss each of your bucket lists.
  • Have a cookie or dessert baking contest. Each person try a different recipe and see which one you like best.
  • Browse through magazines and catalogs to a collage of clothing and fashion styles you would like to see the other person wear or try.
  • Watch family home videos.
  • Ice cream or soda or cheese tasting. Try flavors you have never tried before.
  • Set up a photo booth in your home, put the camera on timer and take pictures of the two of you.
  • Go through each room in the house and talk about what you would like to see done to the room.
  • Learn a new skill together – photography, painting, carpentry, massages.
  • Turn your story of how you met into a children’s book. Your kids will love reading it.
She has a lot more ideas here and bloggers will link up each week and post about their dates.

So, why am I telling you all this?  Because I want to recruit some Project 52: Date Nighters from my readers for more cool date ideas (because I'm selfish) and for some accountability because I can be fickle and start things without finishing them!! Charlie and I are going to pick a "date night" each week and then post about it the following week.  

So, who's in?  Please, pretty please, will you leave a comment to let me know that you're taking the pledge? Come on! Do it for your spouse!!


  1. Second try. The first time it closed! :(

    I am signing us up even though Cody doesn't know yet! Who doesn't love date nights. This sounds fun.

    I am hoping for a Root Beer float date night soon! :)


  2. Todd and I are in! We talked about this last week. I love the "dress" rule. It will be SO hard to not get into my comfy (but let's face it, unattractive) loungewear, but I think that will just make it better.

  3. I don't have any date night options but I'd love to babysit your kiddos when I get back to BCS in just 24 short days!

  4. I like it, too, Kyle! Though, I may not like it some evenings.

    Oh, Ashley, we would LOVE that!

  5. Brock and I are in! So fun!

    Also I saw a date night carnival thing on the Ivey's blog. Basically a group of families all "join" and then every Friday or whatever day all of the couples go on a date except for one or two and those couples keep the kids then you rotate. It saves having to find a babysitter and guarantees a date night and fun for your kids since they get to be with their same group every week.

    That was long and confusing so maybe I should have just told you in person. Ha. But what do you think?

  6. Yes, Meg, I totally get what you're saying! What a good idea! Surely we can get some couples together to form one!

  7. Anonymous10:49 PM

    AWWWW! This brought tears to my eyes. Mike and I have date night quite often now with only 1 teenager at home. But, we use to make dinner together and then get dressed up and set the dining room table with the best china and candles and have a "fancy" dinner together. Now we sit on the front porch in our rocking chairs just talking, literally.

    Love you guys! Debi

  8. Love this idea!!! I will definitely be discussing it with Matt. Can't wait to see all the fun ideas!

    Even though we do a date night swap with another couple we usually only get a date once a month and we definitely need more than that!!

  9. Kirby, I love this idea! Jarred and I are going to A Weekend to Remember conference and this will fit in perfect!! I am going to see what Jarred thinks!

    I want a Chocolate Bar dessert date! Yummy! Nice candles, nice china, and nice dessert! What could be more perfect?

  10. Oh my gosh - I LOVE that Project 52 website - thanks so much for sharing. I can't commit yet - because I haven't even mentioned this to Danny - but I totally want to do this! I started blogging about our date nights over a year ago as a way to keep us accountable (you might find a few ideas here: http://thestillers.blogspot.com/search/label/marriage%3Adate%20night) but fell off the bandwagon.

    Yea for more date night ideas!

  11. oh and P.S. I am glad I am/was way too tall for overalls to actually fit me.....I will leave the overalls for my sisters!! ;o)

  12. second try....the first one I left didn't show!

    We are IN. Although I am not so happy about the no comfy clothes rule!! Coming from the pregnant lady and there after post baby. ugh. Brent likes my comfy clothes....maybe I can wear my nicest ones! ;o)

  13. Thanks for sharing Kirby...the Hubley's are IN!! Do you mind if I share this on my blog as well?

  14. I think you are cute in overalls! They had their moment on the fashion scene!
    We are still working on our date night plans and this will be a great idea to discuss.
    My mentor and her hubs do this but who ever isn't planning the date night goes out for coffee or something while the other person gets the kids settled in bed or with a movie and sets up the house with whatever they are going to do... so for at least one of them they come home to a transformed house and they get away from the kiddos a bit and it actually feels like a date night

  15. I agree overalls did have their moment... and may still!

    This just in...


  16. Oh! And did you hear what else is coming back? Shoulder pads!

  17. great!! I would love to hang out with y'all and your kiddos! I can't wait!!
