January 31, 2011

Oliver or Adelae?

Will this baby be an Oliver Creed or an Adelae Grace?  It's time to cast your vote!  Go on over to the left sidebar and take a guess!  (Please be sure to leave a comment, so we know who guessed what!) (UPDATE: Poll issue has been fixed. Vote away!!)

Only a few souls hold the secret to what the gender of this sweet baby is! Remember my friend, Chelsea? She just so happens to be an extremely good little seamstress.  She sewed Chandler's carseat cover and his complete crib bedding! Chelsea agreed to sew our baby's carseat cover, gender specific with certain fabrics that I picked out.  We had the sonographer write down the gender on a piece of paper and stick it inside an envelope at my "big" 20 week ultrasound.  That little envelope was tucked away in a secret little spot in our bedroom for several months.  (I thought that for Chelsea to know for another 20 weeks would just be too difficult! I wouldn't want that kind of pressure.)  Right before Christmas, I gave Chelsea the envelope, and told her that, of course, she could tell her husband, Cody.  She has been so sweet and gracious and most importantly, SECRETIVE this whole time, as I've been making all kinds of remarks around her and many people have been pestering her to cave.  When the Hendrick's were back in Texas over Christmas break, I decided that Heather needed to know.  Since she is going to be far off in Haiti, and wouldn't be close enough for an up to the minute update during this labor and delivery (as in...in the waiting room at the hospital) I thought that it would at least be nice for her to know.  (Not to mention that she's far enough away from me that she wouldn't drive me completely crazy with a potential "power trip".  I still don't think she's even told her husband.  She loves having the power, that much.  I don't blame her.)

So....other than just a few people, no one else knows the gender of this baby! (Including Charlie and me.) Right now, we have a split vote in our house.  McKlayne and Charlie think that this baby is a girl;  Asher and I believe it's a boy.  Just for the record: I HAVE BEEN WRONG BOTH TIMES with the other two.  So, don't let that sway your opinion.

Some of us are more insistent about our opinions than others.  Surprised?  When we first asked McKlayne and Asher what they would do, if the baby was opposite of what they thought it was, here are the responses that we got:

McKlayne: I'm gonna push him!  (Which was followed by much instruction about how we treat babies nice just like we love and care for babydolls.)

Asher: I'm going to protect her!

Totally indicative of their personalities.

So...let us know what you think!  And, if you'd like, you can guess a date of arrival...my due date is February 17, and height/weight, if you're of the competitive nature.


  1. It's a boy. Congrats. I haven't talked Charlie in years, but I'm sure it is a boy.

  2. How fun!! I guess girl, although I'm tempted to say boy just because you're the one carrying him/her, and you believe it's a boy! ;)

  3. boy. i like the name oliver :)

    and a valentines baby!

  4. larra2:00 PM

    I'm guessing boy. And..because your children can't seem to have their own day ever..its always shared with someone else or an anniversary or something..I'm going to say Valentine's day in order to keep the tradition going :) Can't wait to see when HE makes his little appearance into the world!

  5. I'm guessing boy... don't know why I just think so : )

  6. Well, I had that crazy dream about your family, and you were definitely hauling around a baby girl in your arms, so I voted girl. Can't wait to find out!

  7. I voted! I think it's a boy! 7.25 pounds, 19.5 inches long :)

  8. I'm thinking boy still!

  9. I am guessing girl....really only because I am in love with the name Adelae Grace....

    But come on....oliver creed is darn cute too!

    let's see....i'm saying the 15th...

  10. i think it's a girl :) i was right on with both my girls. let's see if i'm right this time!

  11. Totally think it is a boy...just based on trying to read Chelsea!

  12. My birthday is February 16th..its a nice day to be born! = )

    I'm going to guess boy...

    Best wishes for the labor and delivery! That baby is going to be here so soon!

  13. I think boy! (Just because it seems to be the year of the boy....everyone is having one!)

  14. I'm thinking Oliver Creed but I really don't have a strong feeling. All I know is that I can't wait.

  15. Brock and I both voted GIRL.

    The only reason I am thinking this is because of my early u/s reading... I am 2/2 but I very well could be completely wrong and I may need to look at that again. :)

    I have no idea why Brock is guessing girl... he always guesses girl. Ha.

  16. I am "feeling" girl!! Can you have her when I am there?! So excited to meet the newest Apel!
    Feb 4th (haha) 7lbs 2oz, 19.5

  17. P.S. Can you tell heather & chelsea to come vote?!?

  18. sweet little baby girl! love ya'll

  19. Marylou (aka Mammioo)6:11 AM

    I vote boy. My scientific approach is that Charlie comes from a family of 3 boys and only 1 girl, so he should produce more boys than girls, but who knows...oh yea, Heather and Chelsea. lol. Can't wait. Feb. 5 is my dad's birthday, so that would be awesome. Feb. 16 is Paul's birthday if you want to wait. Love you!

  20. i absolutely love both names! only because i'm a three time mother of girls........and i love girls.........i'm voting 'girl'.

  21. Aunt Kathy12:27 PM

    2/15 around 9am
    7 lbs 11 oz

  22. I voted girl!
    Wishing you a safe and speedy delivery!
    Both names are adorable!

  23. Kirby! I'm getting impatient! I want to see pictures of precious Oliver (:
