May 14, 2008

A few of his Favorite Things...

I have been meaning to post these for several months now...I seem to have an ongoing list of Asher's "favorite" things and the more he learns and gets into stuff, the more he is starting to LOVE many things! So my next couple posts will probably be pics or videos of him doing his favorite things.

As you can see, I've been working on pics with Lightroom...and I am in love with this program! Lyns and Larra, I welcome any tips that you may have! (I would like to know why the coloring looks a little different when I post these pics on my blog compared to what I see in Lightroom or even just in the plain viewer from the files...does that make sense? When I upload them to blogger for some reason the color is a little more dull or grayish.)

Anyways...back to Asher! In this set of pics, I have captured several of his favorite things...and one of mine! First, he loves, loves, LOVES to be outside...he could stay outside for hours if I would let him.

Secondly, he loves hats...probably because it's something that he always sees his Daddy in. He loves to wear hats...but his favorite hats are Daddy's hats. Everytime he walk by Charlie's open closet, he says "hat, hat" and points at the hats hanging on the wall and signs, "please." How precious is this hat that Brettney and Key gave him?

Another thing he loves is playing with Daddy.

Almost everyday, we wait outside for Daddy to get home and as soon as Asher sees his Daddy riding (on his bike) or driving up, his face lights up and he flaps his arms up and down excitedly. Playtime after work with Daddy, is probably one of his most favorite times of the day...and it's mine, too! I love watching my boys run around and chase or tackle each other and love hearing their laughter and squealing.

Another story about Daddy and hats: We recently got satelite (No more watching Baby Einstein over and over and over! Mommy is very excited about our new selection of entertainment!) and the other day I turned "Handy Manny" on for the first time for Asher. A couple minutes later, I heard "Hi, Dada!" and he was waving at the TV. I looked up and saw Manny...who totally looks like an animated version of his Daddy in a red and white hat just like Charlie wears! But especially, since he's always carrying tools around to fix stuff! Who says TV isn't educational?

And one of the things that his Mommy loves...her baby boy in just his diaper! I love that chunky, adorable little body! Need I say more?


  1. Asher is adorable! I love popcicles & diapers! Too cute.

    I love the lightroom editing! The photos look great. You might try exporting the color space as sRGB when you export. It took me a while and several print jobs to figure that out. I hope this works!

    Love you!

  2. I love popcycle pictures. And we love Handy Manny around here too.

    What a cutie pie, ASHER BOY!!!

  3. Anonymous9:35 PM

    Cute pics, love the hat!!

  4. Anonymous4:27 PM

    those pics are so cute. asher is such a doll. your photography skills are looking good~

  5. Anonymous1:47 PM

    love you Asher-boy,you are one of my "favorite things"!mimi's freezer is stocked and ready.

  6. Anonymous11:28 AM

    He is too stinking cute! I can't wait for Brody to be running around with him.

    The other day after you asked me about the lightroom thing, i thought about the exporting, like Lyns mentioned, but I forgot to tell you. Hopefully that will fix the problem.

    I just read this post today(Tuesday)..but this weekend Brody was "watching" Handy Manny and I saw Manny and said Oh WoW! That's why Charlie has that guy as his icon for gmail/msn messenger! I had never seen it before but knew right away because of the hat and the tools. How funny that Asher recognized that! He knows his daddy well!

  7. Can't wait to see this cute boy this weekend!! Hopefully Asher and his cousins will have fun this weekend, Brynn will be happy to run around outside eating popsicles!!

  8. ok... this post was just precious. i'm thinking it's time for a pregnancy update and a new belly pic. what's your due date again? we need an update for sure!

  9. neat pictures! what is lightroom?
