May 5, 2008

Our Little Dipper

Asher loves to dip...


French Onion Dip



Anything he sees us dipping...but especially SALSA...probably because we eat it so often!

Salsa is definitely among his top 3 favorite foods...probably because it was pretty much a staple when I was pregnant with him, even though it gave me very bad reflux...some things are just worth the burning throat...(I'm feeling it yet again this pregnancy)...and homemade salsa is one of them!

The heat doesn't bother him, in fact, it usually just makes him eat it faster...maybe because he realizes that if he just keeps eating, he won't notice how much his tongue is burning.

When he's just about done, he knows how to get every last drop, just like he sees Mommy and Daddy doing when they drink out of their cereal bowls each morning.


  1. Could he be any cuter?



    I have seen first hand this little man SPEED up when the salsa gets hot. I love how he will practically be crying, but still shoving chips into the salsa, then into his mouth.


  2. So cute!! I just love those blond curls!! I can't wait to see what your girl is going to look like!
    Jude's totally into TexMex (I brought stuff to make it here). It was my main staple during pregnancy!
    These kiddos are so much fun! Thanks for the pics!
    P.s. Can I just tell you that in the second and third pictures, those black things on the table look like ROACHES!?!?

  3. That's too funny that he likes salsa so much!

    I love his big pretty eyes! :)

  4. Gross! The "roaches" are actually raisins that he was done with after he saw the salsa come out! But I see what you mean...

  5. Anonymous4:35 PM

    my sweet boy! thats so funny that he drinks it like milk!

  6. Awww!

    Sweet Asher, if that salsa gets to hot for you, you can lay your head on my shoulder anytime!!!

    Aunt Kyle

  7. Treston is a dipper too! Love these pics. I loved watching Treston and Asher play alongside each other the other night. Such cuties!

  8. Anonymous7:49 PM

    I think thats more than double dipping.I love you Aher-Boy, you are tooooo cute.

  9. Holy cow, Kirby! I can't believe I stumbled on your blog! dont ask me how, but I am so thankful that I did! Asher is so precious and cute as a button! What a beautiful family you have...Take care!
