January 23, 2009

Happy Birthday, Kirby!

Today is my amazing wife's birthday. She's 25. She believes that your body shuts down after 25. I love her.

Kirby, no matter how dramatic life gets (jeans come to mind), I love the passion that comes along with your drama. You are passionate about Jesus...

about your husband...

about your son...

about your daughter...

about our families...

about your friends...

about discipling our home...

about Her Hands and discipling other women...

about saving us money...

about Round Top...

about SO many things. You put your whole self into everything you do and every person in your life. You convict me so often by your generosity, by the thoughtfulness of every gift and how you KNOW the people in your life. I'm learning from you.

I don't know how you manage to do all the things that you do in a normal day. After having the kids for a few hours or a day, I know what a feat it is when I come home to clean house or if anything else is done outside of you three surviving. It is so important to me that you are at home and you do it with such humility, grace and eagerness.

You're the best friend a person could have. And I know they'll be many who'll echo that on this post as well. You're an amazing helper and so good to your needy husband. I love confiding in you and depending on you. I love reading with you, jean-shopping with you, Wizard-of-Ozzing with you, Round Topping with you and doing all of life with you.

Don't even get me started on how beautiful you are! None compare, Kirby.

I love you. Happy Birthday!


  1. Kirby your husband is right you are amazing! My life is much richer for knowing you. Happy Birthday my sweet friend and really there is life after 25, I promise. Miss you bunches. Lots of love from Albuquerque!

  2. Anonymous8:46 AM

    ditto. this post made me tear up. i need to go get kleenex now. i love you kirby. 25 is a great age to be. especially when you are as loved as you are.

  3. Anonymous9:03 AM

    Happy Birthday my Kirby! We're 25 now. We're adults. We're not in our early 20's anymore.

    Yes, we all agree with Charlie in the post..about everything he said. You're a wonderful friend, wife and mother.

    I hope this is a wonderful day for you!
    Love you!

  4. Kirby!

    I love you so much! I'm so thankful for you. Thanks for being a constant source of encouragement in my life.

    I hope your day is super special! Know that you are loved!

    Happy Birthday!

  5. How adorable is your family?! Y'all just get cuter all the time! I hope you have a wonderful birthday Kirby! Let's hope your body doesn't shut down after 25--I just turned 25 last week too, lol! :)

  6. all so true.

    and i will say it again... happy birthday!!!!

    it's so weird for me to think that we've only known each other for a year and a half - how God has blessed us since that day! i smile everytime i think of how He started this friend/mentor/nanny-ship that afternoon. you have been such a huge part of my life ever since, and i am forever grateful for your role in my life. thank you for giving me a college station family :)

    i love you so!

  7. He's right!

    None compare!

    I love you precious girl. I hope your day was sweet.

    I thank God for your life, Kirby...for what you mean to me, for what you mean to so many.

    Watching you love Charlie and love those babies blesses me incredibly.

    You are a gift...and I'm so thankful for you.


  8. Happy Birthday, Kirby! Charlie is one lucky guy. :)

  9. I need a tissue! That was very sweet Charlie!!

    I love you Kirb! I am glad we got to come and spend some time with the Apels. We all had a lot of fun and like I said it makes me sad that we don't live closer.

    God gave me such a wonderful sister!

    Hope you had a happy day!

  10. Anonymous11:51 PM

    Kudos Charlie for an amazing tribute to Kirby. I'm proud , yet humbled to be the Mom of that lovely lady . Kirby- I love you !!You are a joy and a blessing to me.It was fun being with you on your Birthday and to help you celebrate your 25 years! Love to all of you Apels.

  11. Kirby, you are truly the most beautiful person I know in real life.
    And just as breathtaking in your beauty as a biblical, Godly woman!
    Love from the Bacaks,

  12. Anonymous9:32 PM


    This was the most beautiful thing I've ever heard!!! Charlie is such a dedicated and loving husband. I still remember the day Anna (student nurse at the med in L&D) had the honor of being one of the student nurses who wittnessed Asher's birth! She came into class the following day and was glowing while telling me how awesome of a husband Charlie was to you. The words he chose to use to comfort and support you during labor were just incredible. He was so sweet! Know that you are very blessed to have such a supportive and loving husband. He's the luckiest guy in the world and the only one who can call you his wife! You are by far THE most beautiful girl/woman I have ever met, from the inside out. You two have inspired so many to follow the Word. Thanks for being a great inspiration to us and others!!!

  13. I know it's late but I hope it was great. You are a blessed woman, Kirby!!
