November 4, 2009

He left a boy and came back a MAN...

...Asher, that is. (Kirby is crying while I write this post.)


I had always thought about how fun it would be to take my son(s) camping someday. So when our new friends Joe and Isaac said they were going, Asher and I jumped at the chance. I had wondered when Asher was going to be old enough to sleep outside for a night. Isaac is almost a year younger than Asher. So I thought if they were willing to try it, we were definitely going.

For our first experimental camping trip, Joe and I decided that keeping it relatively close to home would be preferred. We ended up going to Hilltop Lakes just outside of Normangee. I wouldn't say that they were the nicest campgrounds that I've ever seen, but they were definitely adequate for the men. (And the community is pretty interesting with an airstrip, golf course, motel, restaurant, and small lakes.) I would recommend it.

We got there in the evening with enough time to let the boys run off some energy while we got a fire going for dinner. Here is Asher's fire. If you've read some of our recent posts, he has cultivated quite the imagination. While we were prepping the campfire, he kept asking me to come see his fire as he would throw sticks into this hole.


Asher was a natural camper. When we would go on walks, I expected my "I don't like my hands dirty" boy to stick close and on the main trail. No way. He would just walk straight through the woods making his own trail. If he'd had a machete and backpack, I would never have seen him again. I honestly couldn't keep up as it was. The holes/trails he could fit through were about a quarter of the size that I could. And I found my self sprinting around a different way to head him off or pushing through all the brush.

Asher and Isaac played well. All they needed were a couple of shovels and the great outdoors and they were totally content. Asher repeatedly told me throughout the trip, "Daddy. Isaac is my friend."

As the Apels were in charge of the meals for the trip, I quickly realized how much I equate camping with eating junk food — smores, powdered donuts, etc. I think the healthiest thing we ate were the nitrate-free hot dogs. (Sorry, Terry-men. I'm pretty sure we'll rethink this next time.)

Isaac was a champ at tent-sleeping. Joe put him down and we never heard from him until the next morning. Asher was a little harder to convince. But I think it was a little more due to the excitement of a new adventure than being afraid or uncomfortable. (If we tell him that he's going to Seaworld or somewhere exciting the night before the trip, we can hear him talking in his room extremely late that night. We've all been there.)



We had a really great time camping and spending time with Joe and Isaac. We will definitely be doing this again. Who's coming with us?


  1. Oh how precious. Daddy/son made my eyes fill up with tears...thinking about how much Jon has missed/ how much he gets to do once he's home with our lil guy! Im sure if Jon see's this post..he's going to plan a camping trip the very next day! Love yall!

  2. That is wonderful. Charlie, I am always impressed by the father that you are. What a great adventure and hobby to have together! Looked like fun!

  3. Hush your mouth about him being a man. Never! Or at least not for a very long time!

    I think the next trip should include Kirby.


  4. Charlie,
    I loved your post and I totally stole a couple pictures for my own post! Thanks for being on top of the pictures...

    Thanks for adventuring with my boys!

  5. I'm not surprised by his navigational skills in the woods,......he is an indian brave!
