October 21, 2010

Our version of the Warhol Dress

Last year after Halloween I bought 4 women's t-shirts that we're clearanced 80% off at Target.  I knew that my sister and I could make some cute Halloween dresses for our girls out of them.  (Poor boys, just aren't as fun to sew for!)  When I was in Boerne last week, my sis came down and brought her serger with her so we could get busy.  We used Dana's FREE Warhol Pattern to make the girl's dresses.  

These were the simplest dresses I've ever made.  Of course the first one took us about 1 1/2-2 hours to make, but the next morning we completed 3 more in that same amount of time, once we actually knew what we were doing.  (Ave, who has dubbed herself the non-crafty sewer, even helped in the dress making process!  It is our mission to teach her one day, folks!)

You don't HAVE to have a serger...you can just use a regular ol' sewing machine.  The serger just makes it sturdier.

McKlayne (our once horrid picture taker) has become quite the little camera ham in the last couple weeks.  Let's hope this sticks...

After I'd taken her picture, she said, "Take one with me, Momma...."  How could I resist that bossy little thing?

I will add pics of my niece's dresses once my sisters send theirs to me.  We didn't get a cousin pic of them all together!

(Let me know if you make one for little girl in your life!!)

1 comment:

  1. This is SO cute! And looks super easy. I'll have to remember to buy t-shirts on clearance after each season.
