October 19, 2010

Want to see what we've been up to?

Sorry...no time for belly shots/pregnancy updates.  We've been busy little bees around here.

A couple nights ago, I saw this on a blog.  Have you ever heard of 'Booing"?  I hadn't.  We decided it would be a fun tradition to implement.  If you've been reading this blog for a while, you know how much we just LOVE Halloween!

And, I'm always up for something creative or crafty to do with my kids.  Especially something that serves to bless others.  I want my kids to know how much it is always more of a blessing to give than to receive.  My hope is that one day this will translate to Gospel-ministry in their lives.

So, I fell in love with this idea...and totally replicated it!  (You can replicate it, too, that's why I'm passing it along!)  It was really simple and cheap to do since I already had most of the supplies.  To make 4 different buckets to give to friends, it cost me $12.  You don't have to make multiple, just start with one if you'd like! I just thought it would be fun to get this tradition hopping between our friends/neighbors.  Cindy also has just used a cone, before, too.

I grabbed my girl and we went to get a few supplies (the buckets, M&M's, and taco coupons) while I put the boys to work tracing and cutting the mask template.  (I got the jack-o-lantern buckets from Target for $1 each.)

Cindy was so generous to share all of her ideas and hard work. The black cat mask template is here.  I also found the idea for these cookies on her site, under the Halloween archives, as well.

Then we got to work decorating the masks for our little goodies.

Fortunately, Asher and McKlayne also adore all things artsy-craftsy.

Even Big Daddy was in on it.  While the glitter glue was drying the kids took a bath.

Then we filled the jars.

McKlayne pretty much just struck the glass with a spoon and sang jingle bells the whole time.  She is quite the little singer these days.

Asher was happy (and very quick) to help rescue any stray M&M's.

All the printables and instructions to create these M&M cookies are here.  (Thanks, Amy, for sharing! You are so talented.)

I love that the recipients of these jars are supposed to mix up them up with their hands.  How fun for kids!

You need a quart size (32 oz) jar for these.  I would recommend the wide-mouth lids if you have the option...especially if kids are helping fill them.  It gets messy.  (I had two of each.)  The lid toppers are McKlayne's favorite part.  Any time she sees these she says, "Oh, I love that little birdie!  He's so cute!"

And this is my favorite part.  Maybe because I'm a mom and this means FREE lunch (or dinner) for the recipients.  Did you know that Taco Cabana has been offering these Tac-o-Treat coupon books the last several years for Halloween?  For $1, you receive 5 free coupons for bean and cheese tacos!  So, it's a great alternative to candy...or, if you're like me, you go buy $10 worth and have a ton of lunches/snacks when we're out and about/dinners "made" for the month of November.  You can redeem these the whole month of November.

Cindy posted the poem she wrote on her blog.  I changed just the last couple lines:

Am I jack or a cat that has come to say “BOO”?
All dressed up with treats for you!

Please fill me up with treats galore
And take me to your friends front door!

Sit me down, then push the bell!
Run real quick so no one can tell.

I need to move from friend to friend,
Before Halloween comes to an end!

So, let’s get busy and let the “booing” begin!

If you want to download this, since I had to make it on the computer, it's already in a 4/page pdf file here. (Hit refresh if you don't see it the first time.)

So...don't you want to make some?  It can be simple.  It can just be candy.  There is still plenty of time!  We just started ours last night.  And we're delivering them this evening.  (I am pretty sure that the families that we're taking them to don't read our blog..or at least regularly, anyway.)

If you decide to start the "booing" in your neighborhood/amongst your friends, then let me know! Or, if you get "boo-ed" let me know that, too!


  1. I totally forgot about booing! We used to do this when I was younger, everyone did it where I lived. It was so fun!

  2. We used to do this in junior high and high school! So fun!!

  3. I love this.

    Me and Chandler will be working on some of these soon!! :)

  4. Great idea! We've been booed a couple times but always with a basket of candy and dollar store stuff. I love the idea of just the cookie mix or the caramel apple makings. Stella and I went and got our stuff, so we'll be working on this this weekend! Let you know how it goes!

  5. This is the cutest idea. I LOVE those cookies-in-a-jar gifts! I do that for christmas presents sometimes. Mine never turn out that cute though :)

    I'm loving your blog, Your adorable family, and getting to know you better!

  6. Anonymous9:02 PM

    This is so cute! I can't wait to try this out with my neighbors.

