"This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it!!" (Well, not today, but yesterday...but I'm still rejoicing.) I've seen so many miracles and am completely blown away by the last 48 hours. We are now all home and safe and very healthy. Kirby is fairly sore, but would clean the whole house, cook me a meal, and care for her new son if needed. I've seen like never before how amazing my wife is. As much as I am a 'proud new daddy'...I am so much more a 'proud new husband'. Here are a few pics to chew on until we can get some more up. We love you all. Through our families, close friends, and church family we are more than covered on needs for awhile. Feel free to come see us soon, but, please, call first and see how we're doing. Now, to the good stuff...
Asher immediately after birth -- 7:50am, January 19th, 2007
Asher immediately after birth
The Grandmothers and the Grandson
Our Amazing Nurse, and new best friend--Jaime
Weighing In -- 8 lbs. 0.6 ozs, 20.5 in.