We went to Boerne for Easter weekend. The kids and I drove down LATE Wednesday night after Life Group and Charlie came down with my brother on Friday afternoon.
On Thursday, we went to Kiddie Park with Mimi, Ave and her girls. Kiddie Park, which is an amuesment park that (we use to go to when we were little) has been open since 1925, is the oldest and original children's amusement park in America. They have really revamped the place since we were there almost two years ago! It is a really neat attraction for little ones...I would say up to age 5-ish. If you've ever in San Antonio and looking for something to do with a young child, check this park out!
This was from our first trip to Kiddie Park:
Just a short two years later:
The little ones' first trip:

Asher & McKlayne both said their favorite ride was the "school bus train"...the bus that drove around on train tracks.
We rode the original Carousel, made in 1918, about a dozen times...I was so dizzy. The kids pretended like they were on Mary Poppins.
Like how McKlayne is riding the blue airplane, while Asher got the pink flowered one? She sacrificially gave him the plane with the gun. Sweet sister.
Usually I am so busy running around after one of my own children that I don't get a chance to hold any of my nieces or nephews. Well, life is starting to slow down a bit. My kids are at an age now where it is getting easier and they don't need me constantly. This "Momma's Girl" became MY girl this weekend. Good thing, b/c Brynn is pretty much obsessed with Charlie. I think I won her over with the horsey rides. Whatever it was, it's nice to be loved. Isn't she adorable? I miss you, Camdyn.
Please excuse the annoying voice behind the camera:
1 comment:
What fun! We will have to take Ava when she gets a little older!
Tell you mom she does not look like a Mimi...I see where you get your looks! ;-)
Have a great week!
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