Meet Ryan Price. (Formerly known as "Ry-Ry" to Asher. He recently graduated to calling him "Ryan Price"-most always with his first and last name together.) If Asher were to have one, Ryan would definitely be on his "Top 10 Favorite People" list. Partly because he's an incredibly gifted piano player. And if you know our Asherboy, you know how dear music is to his soul.
Ryan plays the keyboard at our church, New Life. We've known and loved Ryan for a long time...way back before we were even married he was in our Hope Group as a silly, but thought-provoking college guy. It's been neat to see how much Ryan has matured (in most areas) and how he loves the Lord with all that he is.
They are also the ones who took our awesome family pictures when we were originally starting the adoption process (I don't think I've mentioned that yet here on the blog.) The Prices LOVE adoption. (If you're adopting, go check out Ryan's "Photos to Adopt" post here.) In the last couple months, our plans have changed a bit, as we believe that God is calling us to go the foster (with the intention to adopt) route. Ryan and Sara are also taking foster training with us right now. (We should all be certified in June! Woohoo!)
Anyway...sorry....I got side tracked from the Friday Funnies with my long introduction. Now that you know Ryan and Sara...
A few weeks ago, I was busy cleaning the house while Asher was making "music" back in his room. Since the Hendrick's gave us Hayden's old (complete!) drumset there has been a bunch of music-making going on in the Apel home. I walked back to his room to return some lost toys, when he was pounding on the keyboard. He proudly said, "Look, Momma, I'm being Ryan Price." and this is what I saw: